Key findings
Based on parent/carer reports within the Co-SPACE sample:
- Children and young people’s behavioural, emotional, and restless/attentional difficulties have increased again from January to February 2021. For emotional difficulties these have surpassed the level reported in the first lockdown
- Parent/carer anxiety, stress and depression have increased since November 2020 and have surpassed the level reported in the first lockdown
- From December 2020 to February 2021, there was a sharp increase in number of parents/carers who reported that they could not meet the needs of both their child and their work.
- More parents/carers of younger children than those with only older children reported that they could not meet the needs of both their child and their work
- More parents/carers of children with SEN/ND than those without reported that they could not meet the needs of both their child and their work.