This report is based upon the data from the first 1,500 parents/carers who have taken part. These participants completed the survey during a 6-day period, between Monday 30th March and Saturday 4th April. For most young people, this will have been the last week of the school term prior to the Easter holiday.
In this report, we focus on the following outcomes:
- Parent/carer stress
- How children and young people are reported to spend their time
Key findings:
- Around 3/4 of children and young people are getting more than 30 minutes of exercise per day.
- The top 3 stressors for parents/carers were (i) work, (ii) their children’s wellbeing, and (iii) their family and friends (outside their household).
- Nearly 2/3 of parents/carers reported that they were not sufficiently meeting the needs of both work and their child.
- Just over half the children and young people completed 2 or more hours of schoolwork per day.
- Nearly 3/4 of children and young people are keeping in contact with friends via video chat.