The All-Party Parliamentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood has published a report on the impact on the mental health of children and young people during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The Co-SPACE study findings have been cited throughout the report.
Based on parent report data, behavioural and restless/attentional difficulties increased during lockdown from March to June; especially in primary school aged children (4-10 years old). In secondary school-aged children (11-17 years old) emotional difficulties lessened slightly at the beginning of lockdown (MarchApril). There was an overall reduction in emotional, behavioural and restless/attention difficulties after lockdown eased from July; continuing throughout the summer holidays and opening of schools in September (especially in primary-aged children). However, those with special educational needs or neurodevelopmental disorders and those from lower income households (<£16,000 pa) had elevated levels of difficulty throughout the March-October period.